When we first started our eBay store, we purchased cases of boxes from a shipping supplier. We liked having fresh, clean looking boxes, and we (almost) always had the right size box for the kinds of items we were selling. But, as our business grew, we started spending more and more money on boxes.
At first, we started asking family members and friends to set aside boxes for us, but we were always in need of more boxes. As it turned out, our solution was right in front of us the whole time.
Every day, grocery stores and other retailers open boxes of new stock, then recycle or throw away the boxes their stock was shipped in. Any day of the week, we can walk into my local grocer and walk out with as many boxes as we can carry. All you have to do is ask! The employee stocking shelves is usually happy to get rid of the extra boxes- one less task for them to do.
You can turn the boxes inside out so they have plain brown exteriors and arrive to your buyer looking professional.
We've also had great luck asking for bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and boxes on Craigslist, Freecycle and Facebook. We very rarely have to buy bubble wrap or packing peanuts because of the generosity of our community.
While it is great that getting free shipping supplies saves us money, it's even more gratifying that we are keeping these boxes, peanuts and bubble wrap out of landfills. Recycled paper products are great, but it's even greater when these things can be reused first!
The other fantastic source of free boxes is, of course, free Priority Mail boxes from the USPS! You can have free boxes delivered to your house for free with a few clicks on USPS.com. You can even get eBay branded Priority Mail boxes at ebaysupplies.usps.com/usps
When we first started out on eBay, we were aware that there were free boxes available from the USPS. We didn't fully understand how regional rate and flat rate boxes worked, so we didn't order any of the free boxes. What a newbie mistake that was! Now, we make sure we are stocked up on Priority Mail boxes.
How do you get your shipping supplies for eBay? What works for you? Let us know in the comments below!
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